SETKA is the school for architecture of the future. We create worlds of very different shapes, sizes, and colors. The choice is always yours. Play on the SETKA!
Imagine the city of the future. What would it be like if your imagination had no limits? Could sunlight become liquid in the future? Can the force of gravity be altered and time suddenly reversed? What if the planet's axis shifts, and all humans walk at an angle, like Neo?
A modern architect dreams of intergalactic spaces. He combines physics and anti-physics in his designs. He embarks on the creation of fairy tales, fantasies, and romantic stories in the rhythm of his emotional sensibility. At the same time, he embraces the power of artificial intelligence to design with the speed of light. The modern architect swiftly translates the ideas of dreams into reality. He is driving the evolution of the language of architecture towards emotionality and wonder.
The END! Today, we need fresh perspectives on shaping the future. We want it to be brighter, more playful, and fun. We want to break free from boring morality and rules. Moreover, we definitely need strong game-based solutions rather than boring mathematical formulas. Now, even serious business is approached with playfulness, with people giggling and sticking out their tongues.
We focus on the best educational examples in the world and consider the practices of the top architectural schools around the globe. Everyone can find their own way here and create unique portfolio to apply to international schools.
Archigram and Archizoom built their cities of the future according to the SETKA. And today by the SETKA, we can easily create chats for millions of players. You can solve any problem in just one click. Our architectural utopia is no longer just a beautiful picture but has become a parallel world where anyone can get by with the help of the SETKA. Every day, we build our city of the future, defeat the evil boss, save the beautiful princess, and advance to the next level of the game.
Ready Player One!