‘Sometimes he falls in love. Then he turns purple and gets scared, but it makes him more joyful,’ said Liza. His vehicle has a rainbow-coloured bag of moods and a separate cabin for bad trash. It looks like a beautiful bird with large wings. When good trash appears, the wings lighten up and turn a creamy colour. This way, the mechanical bird can fly faster in a light mood.
Project date: 2019
Type: Academic | Thesis
Authors: Ivan Protasov, Elizaveta Lipovtseva
Age: 10
Tutor: Egor A. Orlov
Description: Good Trash is very good because he has a gentle nature. Every morning, he goes for recycling. Liza said, "Sometimes he falls in love. Then he turns purple and becomes scared, but also more joyful." Good trash has a vehicle that helps him get to the dump faster. This technology has a multi-colored bag of moods covered with rainbow shades, and a separate cabin for Bad trash. The transport resembles a beautiful bird with large wings. When Good trash appears, the wings become lighter and acquire a creamy color. Thus, a mechanical bird flies faster from a light mood.