A vision can come to you at any time, whether in the late afternoon or in the evening, especially when you're feeling tired after a long day at school.
When you fall asleep, your dreams are always filled with captivating images.
In the dream, we need a new architecture that can operate in outer space.
If you sleep well, you can build a beautiful city.
Project date: 2019
Type: Academic | Thesis
Author: Matvey Moshkin
Age: 11
Tutor: Egor A. Orlov
Description: Dmitri Mendeleev discovered the system of chemical elements while he was asleep. This shows that sleep is the key to the future. When a person enters Dreamer, they experience various states of sleep and wakefulness. Dreamer combines two dimensions of architectural space: dream and reality. This allows a person to explore their hidden skills and ideas. The architecture in Sonopticum can adjust the density of the airspace. This affects the quality and duration of sleep and wakefulness. By changing the chemical composition of the air, the city can design dreams with different content: nightmares for naughty townspeople or funny dreams for excellent students.