Project date: 2020
Type: Academic | Thesis
Author: Ilya Lanchenko
Age: 8
Tutor: Egor A. Orlov
Description: Veselegrad is the city of the future. In it, each resident receives the maximum degree of freedom in movement, communication, and creativity. Thus, Veselegrad creates a unified experimental space in which everyone explores their creativity and the architectural potential of the city. The driving force that drives Veselegrad is fun and your mood. The principle of the city's work is based on the law of perpetual motion. It can be compared to the movement of a pendulum that swings from one side to the other and causes itself to slide due to the force of its weight. However, in this case, the impulse means the strength of a good mood - a sincere desire of the inhabitant to play, get involved, be surprised, and be open to everything new and interesting. Thus, Veselegrad can work endlessly and provide itself with renewable energy, and every new day here promises an adventure!